Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to Ace a Skype Interview

How to Ace a Skype Interview The world is more connected today than its ever been. Thanks to travel and technology, you can patch into almost anyone, anywhere at any time. Increasing global mobility is changing the jobs market, too. The interview process isnt always the traditional face-to-face method anymore. What does this mean? Well, mastering the art of the  question / answer meeting is not enough anymore, oh no. Now theres a high chance youll have to come to terms with video and  phone interviews, which come with their own set of unwritten rules and keys to success. The Skype interview in particular has become a standard for HR departments, though the conventions might seem alien to  those whove only ever had in-person meetings, or perhaps none at all! Fear not, as  Viking has put together the below infographic to  guide you on formalities of the Skype interview, and tips to help you ace it. Check your time zones! If youre on a Skye interview, chances are youre also in a different time zone. Even different states of the same country will have different timezones, so dont shoot yourself i the foot by failing to turn up on time, or getting on the call way too early. Triple check you know where theyre based. Make sure your  profile name is professional Im going to go right ahead and say it:  Sexy_Sharon_69 is not an acceptable name. Shock! Horror! WhoĆ¢€™s calling who?  Avoid confusion and decide beforehand If I had a dollar for the amount of times calls are set up, with each party assuming the other is calling them, Id be a very rich lady. The result? Ten minutes goes by, until theres an awkward email exchange along the lines of, Hi, are you still calling in? followed by a, No, I thought you were calling us? Have prompters closeby Keep your application documents and Post-it Notes  in front of you. The great thing about Skype calls is you can have resources near you, to act as prompters when they ask you tough questions. Just make sure they cant see them, and you dont break your neck to look at them when you feel nervous and on-the-spot. Profile picture Check your profile picture isnt you downing a line of Tequila shots, nuff said. Check the tech Is your audio working? Is your camera switched on, and allowing the video to show? How is your internet connection looking? Are you on a proper PC or laptop thats big enough to comfortably host the video? Is there a light source nearby that provides a comfortable atmosphere? Its also wise to set up a practice all first, with a willing participant, just to iron out all the kinks before the  big gig! In addition to these tips, dont  forget to  prepare  for the actual interview subject matter as you would a normal interview. That means having questions ready to ask them, and practicing how to answer the hard asks they probably have in store for you!

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