Thursday, May 14, 2020

Grow Your Career Without Wasting Time -

Grow Your Career Without Wasting Time Do you ever get the feeling that there’s just not enough time to focus on expanding your career potential?Most of us work nine to five jobs and when we get home the last thing on our mind is job hunting. Instead, we want to relax, enjoy ourselves, maybe spend time with loved ones.There’s not a whole lot of room left in the schedule to sit down and start browsing through career options or expanding your skillset is there?evalHowever, there are ways to ensure that you move forward in your career without losing your precious free time. Here are a few of the best options.1. Let Your Profile Work For YouOne of the best ways to make sure that you expand your career without wasting a lot of time is to set up profiles online. You can setup profiles on everything from social networks sites like Twitter to professional sites like Linkedin. You can even establish a blog for yourself and use this to advertise your past job history.Photo Credit â€" Flickr.comThe benefits of doing this is that we’ve all become pretty competent at managing social media profiles. In fact, it’s something that you can easily do while you’re focusing on other things and thus, it won’t take up your spare time. On top of this, there’s the fact that you may not have to work on your profile at all to see results.It’s possible that employers will find you, be impressed and invite you to a job interview. Wouldn’t that be wonderful, rather than applying for endless job applications?2. Study OnlineOne of the best ways to expand your career prospects is to get new skills and qualifications. You can sign up for full-time courses, but this takes a lot of time out of your life. Instead, you should think about studying online. By doing this, you can learn new skills around your own schedule. And, there’s no limitations to what you can learn online either.Photo Credit â€" Pixabay.comAs well as this, top educational institutions like the University of Maryland offer full online degrees. So w hether you’re just starting your career path or you’ve been on it for quite some time, you can develop the skills you need.3. Sell Yourself PersonallyYou might think that the things you do in your spare time can in no way help boost your career, but you might be surprised. First, you could find that an employer shares some of your personal hobbies and that’s why you should put a few on your CV.Photo Credit â€" Pixabay.comevalSecond, you can use personal pastimes like sports to show that you have the traits and abilities employers are looking for. For instance, being part of a sports team demonstrates that you are a sociable person who is highly competitive.As you can see then, there are no limits to how you can use your spare time effectively and efficiently. The best part is that if you make the right choices, you can grow your career without it eating away at your personal life.

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