Sunday, May 10, 2020

How a Finance Guru got Four (4) Job Offers in just 3 weeks After Being Laid Off

How a Finance Guru got Four (4) Job Offers in just 3 weeks After Being Laid Off How a Finance Guru got Four (4) Job Offers in just 3 weeks After Being Laid Off How a Finance Guru got Four (4) Job Offers in just 3 weeks After Being Laid Off July 23, 2012 by Career Coach Sherri Thomas Leave a Comment Whether you want a new career because you’ve been laid off or because you’re ready to leave frustrating and unsatisfying job, there is one key skill that will be critical to your success â€"  your ability to be a rainmaker for your own career and create job offers and opportunities. I love that Chris Rock says, Being rich has nothing to do with money. It has to do with having opportunities. My good friend Cindy Hoyme is the poster girl for creating opportunities!   She had been a rock star in the financial industry for 30 years, when 8 months ago her boss brusquely told her that her job had been eliminated due to the down economy. Suddenly unemployed, and the main bread winner for her family with a daughter in college â€" she had to find a new job FAST! In my new book, The Bounce Back, Cindy reveals how she networked her buns off to receive a remarkable four job offers in three weeks! Here’s an excerpt from Cindy’s story… After 30 years in the financial business and many job changes due to better opportunities, I was faced with a sudden job loss. I felt abandoned by the person who had hired me and I had been working with for 10 years. With a daughter in college and financial obligations, I needed a new job and needed one fast. I had not updated my resume in years, nor had I kept up with my networking. Waiting was not an option for me. I updated my resume and then contacted everyone I knew that had called me when they were seeking employment. I set a goal to have one appointment a day. I set up 21 appointments in three weeks, getting to know every Starbucks in town. I kept a normal schedule and did not hesitate to call almost anyone. Cindy goes on to talk about a variety of strategies she used to get reacquainted with past colleagues, managers and clients, which in turn, helped her land appointments, interviews and eventually four potential job offers. The interviewing and job seeking process is much different now than it was 10 years ago. It wasn’t shopping my resume on the Internet that got me my next job, but instead it was by word of mouth. In my industry talking to people and getting connected is still the way to secure good positions. Thanks to developing and expanding my large network, I had four potential job offers that came together around the same time. I did not want to take the first offer but, instead, evaluated what I really wanted in my next career and what kind of people I wanted to work for. With the power of prayer and lots of good friends and acquaintances, I landed on my feet with a great company. I feel grateful and very fortunate, especially in this job market, for my new career. During the transition, I also researched and looked into certifications to pursue a second income in the future which now is a possibility. What I love about Cindy’s story is that she learned how to be a rainmaker for her own career.   She didn’t sit back and wait for job openings to pop up online.   Instead, she fast tracked her job search by going straight to her professional community asking for job leads, referrals and recommendations. Not only did she receive four job offers in just three weeks, but now she’s proactively creating opportunities to help secure her new job, and her future! â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Sherri Thomas is a Career Strategist, international speaker and best-selling author of “The Bounce Back” and “Career Smart â€" 5 Steps to a Powerful Personal Brand. “ Get more tips and strategies on how you can bounce back from a layoff, re-org, bad manager or other career threatening setback in my new book, “The Bounce Back” now available on AMAZON and BARNES NOBLE.   You can download the three FREE chapters of THE BOUNCE BACK at

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