Thursday, July 23, 2020

Insights Wanted for Our HR Certification Survey - Workology

Insights Wanted for Our HR Certification Survey - Workology Understanding HR Certification with HRCI, SHRM, ATD or APA From the moment HR chose me, Ive taken it as a personal challenge to learn, grow, and understand what its like to be in human resources. In 2001, when I began working in HR with little to no experience in human resource foundations and employment law, I set out to learn and educate myself on human resources. For myself, that started with joining SHRM and working towards my HR certification. As soon as I was eligible  in 2003, I set out to take my first HR certification exam which at the time was the PHR. In 2003, the test was still done on paper, and I took my exam at the University of Missouri campus. Back then,  the  exam results were not available right away. I waited at least 8 weeks until I received an email telling me I had passed the PHR exam. Several weeks later I received my full exam results in the mail telling me my scores throughout the different knowledge bases. Studying and preparing for my HR certification was a long process. I studied at length for both the PHR and SPHR taking classes, studying with a friend and using the SHRM Learning System. I later took the Pathway and received my SHRM-SCP, however, the process to take the SHRM-SCP or SHRM-CP exam is much different today. Understanding HR Certification with HRCI, SHRM, ATD or APA Your path and journey to HR certification might be the same, or it could be very different.  Whatever  HR certification body you prefer, HRCI, SHRM, ATD, or APA, certification in human resources is an important part of demonstrating HR knowledge. It is an important component for many in their career evolution and growth within HR. At present, I have a dual certification with both SHRM and HRCI certifications which are SPHR and SHRM-SCP. Since the launch of SHRMs own certification and what I call the conscious uncoupling between SHRM and HRCI, there has been little information available on HR certification in terms of which is the preferred certification, how individuals go about obtain the certification, and more importantly for those that are dual certified if you are keeping certifications from multiple certification  bodies. Introducing the HR Certification Survey Thats exactly the reason that Ive decided to launch the Workology HR Certification Survey. This survey is about HR practitioner professionals to let your voice and opinion on HR certification be heard. Do you find value in HR certification? Which HR certifying  body do you prefer? What study methods did you use to obtain your certification? Or if you are in HR and choose not to be certified, then why? I want to know it all which is why I encourage you to take our HR Certification Survey. I will be reporting back information in early Q1 of 2019. The more HR professionals we have that complete the survey, the better the data. This is why I ask that all HR professionals take the survey to share the why, how and what of HR certification for any and all HR certification bodies. Obviously, at Workology were committed to HR certification and recertification. Its a subject weve gone to great detail to cover on Workology. Its also the reason my online learning system, LEARN by Workology offers both HRCI and SHRM recertification credits when you complete the courses. Thank you for taking the time to consider taking our survey. Ill be sharing results with survey respondents in early 2019.

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